Microsoft .NET Desktop Runtime 7.0.7 for apple download
Microsoft .NET Desktop Runtime 7.0.7 for apple download

Microsoft .NET Desktop Runtime 7.0.7 for apple download

Sample Command Line for Run Script Task, Shell Script, Etc.

Microsoft .NET Desktop Runtime 7.0.7 for apple download

Ignore_resource_keys=fqdn, macaddress, uniqueid One method for setting this HostName value is by running this command: scutil -set Hostname `scutil -get ComputerName`, assuming the ComputerName is set. Be sure the scutil HostName is set before ignoring all resource keys. If this hostname is not set and all resource keys are ignored, the agent will not be able to create any resource keys, resulting in a complete loss of registration and communication with the NS/SMP server. Note 7: IMPORTANT: DO NOT ignore all resource keys without first ensuring that the hostname is set per the command: “scutil -get HostName”. Note 6: Even if all resource keys are set to be ignored, the agent will always attempt to create a name.domain resource key based on the 'hostname' of the client computer. If it does not exist, it is possible to add the line in the 'MachineID' section. Note 5: Depending on the NS version, the 'ignore_resource_keys' field may or may not exist in the nf file. There may be multiple name.domain resource keys.

Microsoft .NET Desktop Runtime 7.0.7 for apple download

Options are the local computer name or the DNS name, etc. Note 4: The name.domain value is based on the targeted settings 'Computer Information' settings in the NS/SMP Console. Note 3: Supported values are: name.domain, fqdn, macaddress, uniqueid, adnamedomain. Note 2: This field is a comma-separated list on a single line. Note 1: Values listed here will NOT be used as resource keys in events sent to the NS/SMP from the client. (Add the name and value entry if it doesn't currently exist.)

  • Change the values for the 'ignore_resource_keys'.
  • On the ULM client edit the file: /opt/altiris/notification/nsagent/etc/nf.
  • This can apply to any situation where computer resources are merged because they have the same resource key values.

    Microsoft .NET Desktop Runtime 7.0.7 for apple download

    (An NSE event is anything sent to the NS/SMP, including Basic Inventory, event transactions, inventory solution, etc.) This allows for exclusion of any values that would cause a conflict in a given environment. As of the Agent for Unix, Linux and Mac (ULM) 7.1, it is possible to configure which resource keys to ignore during generation of NSE events.

    Microsoft .NET Desktop Runtime 7.0.7 for apple download